Thursday, August 28, 2008

Paradise Lost (and Found!)

It's been a few weeks since I posted a song, so I figured that I'd better go ahead and post this one.

The sound quality is a bit better on this song (compared to the previous songs), but I've still got a ways to go.

Hope you enjoy it.....

Paradise Lost (and Found!)


Anonymous said...

This one sounds freaking great! That pre-amp really rounds everything out.

Seth Boulton said...

Paradise Lost...that's a good title for a song. Somebody who came up with a title like that would be an awesome person who thought of awesome things. Also that's a good song. A good song with a great title that if someone thought of that and used it then it would be a really good reminds me of the title of one of my songs...can you think of the title, Corey? Can you???