Sometimes, trees are not really trees.
As you can see in the photo to the right, these supposed trees blend in "seamlessly" with the other, much shorter and more natural looking trees in the background. Don't be fooled!
I can't put my finger on it just yet, but I sense a conspiracy in the making with these trees. If someone is willing to trick people into thinking that cell phone towers are trees, then who knows to what ends they might go to trick people with other objects as well? How do we know, for example, that water towers are actually water towers? How do we know that billboards are billboards? Call me paranoid (you'd be right), but I'm gonna be keeping a REAL close eye on these so-called trees from now on, just to make sure that they are, in fact, cell phone towers, and not ALIEN VESSELS masquerading as cell phone towers. Nothing gets past me, my friend; nothing, but the wind........
All this time I thought trees were just trees...
Hmmm...I don't know Corey, are you sure the wind is really the wind? Maybe it's actually just air from hidden fans? I mean, something has to keep those alien vessels cooled off. Wouldn't want them to overheat and blow the alien's cover, right?
Don't know my name at this time except for Mom and GMaw--good enough (right)?. Who really knows what anything is anymore? I agree with crissy as to her alien theory. Most people are not at all what they seem--all guys in Black and sunglasses are certainly not. Children are an exception to my rambling as they are neither paranoid, aliens, and have a heart which is unblemished.
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