I suppose that it's relatively normal to bring one's work home with you, but it's starting to drive me insane. You see, at night, when I close my eyes and lie in bed, I see nothing but lines. Line after line. I connect the lines. I trim the lines. I even fillet the lines.
When I drive down the highway, I often pay close attention to the lines on the road, imagining myself popping dimension strings in between them and measuring their relative distances.
To most people, this would seem like "crazy talk", but to me it's an everyday reality. In case you aren't able to pick up on such things (you should sharpen those observational skills), I draft for a living. I draw building plans. On computers. Using AutoCAD. That involves the daily observation of large quantities of brightly colored digital lines. And that, my friends, is why, when I lie in bed at night, and close my eyes, I see nothing but lines.
What repetitive daily task do you relive at night when you close your eyes? Leave comments...I'm interested to find out if anyone else is as crazy as I am.
When I lie in bed, all I think about is the game I played that day...
btw: this is jon in case you didn't know
Black....lots and lots of black.
Lately, I don't have TIME to see anything else because I'm not asleep long enough!
Thanks for asking, though...
Well....I draw logos in my sleep. As a matter of fact, I've drawn logos in my sleep that were really good.
So, I actually woke up and drew a "sleep logo" once. It was quite good, I think.
As far as just "closing my eyes" I see Mac OSX that's been burned forever into my vision.
I, as well, ponder how I may be able to create certain items that I see in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or 3D. So, your not alone. :)
Ha. I don't so much see things as much as I am constantly thinking of how I could code something better on a site. Actually, I suppose I do SEE the code, because I am thinking of how this div could better interact with that div and still meet web standards. It's all because, I, like you, bring work home too much of the time. to the guy who mentioned seeing mac os x in his sleep....i can't say that i would mind...
I myself don't sleep enough hours to really see or think of anything. I do not have dreams in my sleep, nor can I ever remember anykind of drawings in my sleep. I did at one time have dreams or the feeling I was flying or actually falling all the time years ago when I would be falling asleep and wake up right before I hit and be in a cold sweat, but In the last few years, I am usually getting up out of bed before I even get to sleep good.
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