Some people try to cover their wells with little doghouses. Sure, they call them "well houses", but we all now what they really are. I mean, come on...give us a break. Do you really think that anyone would be fooled into thinking that a "well house" is really anything other than a very large doghouse? How big is your dog anyway?
Fortunately, some genius came along and invented something so grand, so gorgeous, so picturesque that, my friends, it brings a tear to my eye. Yes, my friends, the fake rock is a thing of beauty and grace. Sure, it's technically fiberglass, but to me, it's a lovingly recreated monument to one of God's greatest creations; the ROCK.
Yes, without rocks, there would be no mountains. Without mountains, there would be no valleys. And, without valleys, there would be no ranch.
So, next time you see one of these fiberglass rocks, take a moment of silence, and salute the finest well covering in all of God's kingdom.
Thank you.

you never cease to amaze me,
how would you come up with such things? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
i can't wait for your next blog
what a good blog ...
I liked this Post. Interesting to say the least. You make us wonder sometimes....
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